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Turkey says when it will be ready to agree Sweden's NATO membership

Mar 26, 2023

Turkey will be ready to review Sweden's application for NATO membership after June 1, when anti-terrorism laws come into force in Stockholm.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to a statement by Turkish Foreign Policy Advisor Ibrahim Kalin, cited by NTV.

"From our point of view, there are no obstacles to Finland's membership in NATO. Finland has always been constructive," the statement said.

Kalin noted that Finland has taken a more transparent and constructive stance on Turkish demands. As a result of the Turkish assessment, the country deemed it appropriate to approve Finland's application for NATO membership.

"The door to Sweden is not completely closed. The Swedish Anti-Terrorism Act will come into force on June 1. When they complete this, we will evaluate the process when we see that measures have been taken to address our security concerns. We are not against NATO enlargement in principle," explained the Turkish presidential foreign policy advisor.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 26/03/2023

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