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Ukraine and Hungary are preparing an agreement on bilateral relations

Jul 2, 2024

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban have agreed to work on an agreement that will resolve bilateral problems.

The leaders of the two countries made the announcement on Tuesday after a meeting in Kyiv, a Yevropeiska Pravda correspondent reports.


Speaking to journalists, the leaders emphasized that the meeting was an important step towards resolving the problems that have accumulated over time.

"The content of our dialogue on all today's issues can become the basis for a future bilateral document between our states, which will regulate all our relations and will be based on a mirror approach in relations between the countries," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

Viktor Orban also believes that the talks brought the two countries closer to the possible signing of a new agreement.

"We want to establish relations between our countries, we want to sign a global cooperation agreement with Ukraine, similar to the agreements we have with other neighbors of Hungary," the Hungarian prime minister said.

In addition, he emphasized that Hungary is ready to support the modernization of the Ukrainian economy and intends to help Ukraine during its presidency of the EU Council.

"I wish all the best to Ukraine, and during Hungary's presidency we will help you in every way we can," the Hungarian prime minister added.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 02/07/2024  

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