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Ukraine starts consultations with the EU on "security guarantees"

Dec 4, 2023

Ukraine has begun consultations with the European Union on collective security guarantees as a follow-up to the Group of Seven declaration of support for Ukraine, which was signed on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius.

According to Yevropeiska Pravda, this was reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine.

Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva started the first round of consultations with the Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service for Peace, Security and Defense Charles Fries.


During the consultations, the parties exchanged views on approaches to future EU security guarantees with a focus on the security and defense segment.

Ihor Zhovkva noted that Ukraine's future membership in the EU will be a powerful security guarantee for Ukraine and the European community as a whole.

He noted the EU's significant contribution to strengthening Ukraine's security and defense capabilities, in particular through support through the European Peace Fund and the EU training mission.

It is also reported that Zhovkva, on behalf of the President of Ukraine, presented Charles Frieze with the Order of Merit, III degree, for his significant contribution to strengthening and supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Author - Olena Madiak, 04/12/2023

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