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Ukrainian border guards received Croatian RAK-SA-12 MLRSs

May 1, 2023

Croatian RAK-SA-12 rocket launchers have been added to the armament of the Ukrainian border guards.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the website of the Office of the President and the website of the RAK-SA-12 manufacturer.


The demonstration of the units took place at an event on the occasion of Border Guard Day on April 0. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in turn, familiarized himself with the Croatian trailing RAK-SA-12s.

The Croatian RAK-12 was developed in the early 1990s and is a considerably lighter version of the Yugoslav M-63 Plamen.

  • It is in service with the armies of Croatia and Azerbaijan and has been seen in Syria.
  • The upgraded Madlerd RAK-SA-12 is designed to fire over a large area at ranges of 800 to 8,500 meters.
  • It is used to engage enemy manpower and equipment in open terrain or shelters.
  • Due to its light weight, relatively long range and striking capability, the RAK-SA-12 is suitable for operation on different types of terrain and in all weather conditions.
  • The launcher can use the following types of 128 mm rockets: M91, M91A1 and M91A2.
  • The missile can be used in the temperature range from -30 to +50°C.
  • The launcher crew consists of five men commanded by a team leader.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 01/05/2023

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