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Ukrainian pilots to train on F-16 in Europe - Pentagon

May 24, 2023

Ukrainian pilots will be trained on F-16 fighter jets at military bases in Europe.

This was stated by Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder at a briefing, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.

"As for the F-16, I can say that the training will take place outside of Ukraine, at sites in Europe, but I cannot say more about the details, about when the training will begin, how these aircraft will be provided, who will provide them," he said.


Ryder said that the United States and its partners continue to work in this direction.

He also reminded that the United States will participate in supporting an international coalition that will help train Ukrainian pilots on F-16s.

"But in terms of who exactly will conduct this training, where it will be conducted, and how many aircraft will be delivered to Ukraine, these are all details that are currently being worked out," the Pentagon spokesman added.

The US defense department promised to provide more details in the coming days.

Ryder emphasized that the provision of F-16s to Ukraine is a long-term support and the fighters will not be involved in a future counteroffensive.

Author - Olena Madiak, 24/05/2023

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