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US and British ambassadors react to new missile strikes

Apr 28, 2023

The US and British ambassadors responded to Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian cities on the night of April 28, which killed at least 12 people.

This was reported by Yevropeiska Pravda.

British Ambassador Melinda Simmons wrote a short tweet about the "joys of pre-dawn air raids" around 5 a.m., and later in the day, she responded to the consequences of the night attacks.


"I have friends in Uman who had to run out of their apartment in the middle of the night. This shouldn't make last night's attack seem worse than the others, but when you know the people who were affected personally, it inevitably will. The knowledge that one day there will be accountability for these attacks is not very comforting right now, but I am holding on to this thought," the ambassador wrote.

"More tragic lives have been lost because a Russian missile has hit a residential building again. Russia has yet to realize that this barbarity only strengthens the resolve of Ukrainians and deepens our commitment to support Ukraine in its fight," US Ambassador Bridget Brink responded.

Author - Olena Madiak, 28/04/2023

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