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Venezuela announces the annexation of the territory of Guyana

Dec 7, 2023

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has recognized the annexation of the Essequibo region of Western Guyana. He included the state in the country's territory.


RBC-Ukraine reports this with reference to El Pais.

On Tuesday, December 5, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro presented on television a new official map of the country with Essequibo included in it. Earlier, the president sent the military to Venezuela's Atlantic border, very close to the borders of the 160,000-square-kilometer jungle zone, which is de facto administered by Guyana.

On the day of the referendum, Venezuela's Ministry of Communications released a video showing indigenous people taking down the Guyanese flag and raising the Venezuelan flag.

The authorities announced the creation of a new province or state on the territory of Tumeremo. The provisional government will be located in Tumeremo, where mining is taking place.

"We want a peaceful salvation of Guyana-Essequibo. Let's start responding to the people who spoke on December 3. Our Guyana-Essequibo was de facto occupied by the British Empire and its heirs, and they destroyed the area," the Venezuelan president said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 07/12/2023

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