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What are the priorities of Russians after the retreat from Kherson?

Nov 15, 2022

After retreating from Kherson, Russian troops are reinforcing their new lines closer to Crimea. A new occupier headquarters will be located in Genichesk.

This was reported by the British Ministry of Defense on Twitter.

As noted in the review, by November 12, the Russian military has almost certainly completed the withdrawal of troops holding territory west of the Dnipro River. With the abandonment of the city of Kherson, Russia made the port city of Genichesk on the Sea of Azov the "temporary capital" of the occupied region. Russia is also likely to relocate military command units to the Genichesk area.

"The choice of this area as a command node hints at the priorities and concerns of Russian commanders as they consolidate their defenses in southern Ukraine," the report said.

According to British intelligence, the city is well positioned to coordinate against potential Ukrainian threats both from Kherson to the west and through Melitopol to the northeast, as well as to receive reinforcements from Crimea.

"Above all, it is currently out of range of Ukrainian artillery systems which have inflicted heavy damage on Russian field command posts," the British Defense Ministry noted.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 15/11/2022

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