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Will Ukraine destroy the Crimean Bridge this year?

Apr 10, 2024

Ukraine has the right to destroy several infrastructure items that are military targets and are located in the occupied territories.


President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said this, RBC-Ukraine reports with reference to his interview with BILD.

To a journalist's question about what plans Ukraine has for a counteroffensive and what results are expected, the president answered that counteroffensive operations must produce results.

In particular, Zelenskyy was asked whether it would be possible to destroy the Kerch Bridge this year.

"We really want to. And this question is not about the Kerch Bridge, which everyone is talking about. We are talking about many infrastructure items that are military targets. This is a bridge; these are airfields from which planes take off," said Zelenskyy

He also noted that Russia has other ways of delivering weapons to the front in Ukraine. In particular, airfields from which planes take off and bombard Ukraine.

"I'm sorry, these are legitimate goals. And I'm not saying that they are located in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine," the president said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 11/04/2024

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