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Xi Jinping to attend BRICS summit in South Africa

Aug 18, 2023

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit South Africa to attend the BRICS leaders' meeting from August 21 to 24.

This was reported by Reuters.


The leaders of the five BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, will meet in Johannesburg next week to discuss how to turn a loose club of nations accounting for a quarter of the global economy into a geopolitical force that can challenge the West's dominance in world affairs.

The expansion of the BRICS is expected to play an important role, as some 40 countries have recently expressed interest in joining the grouping.

China, which is seeking to expand its geopolitical influence in the fight against the United States, has said it welcomes the addition of new countries to the BRICS family. Russia also supports the expansion, while Brazil resists it, fearing that it could weaken its authority.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 18/08/2023

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