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Yerevan reports on reduction of Russia's share in military cooperation

Mar 2, 2024

Russia's share in Armenia's military-technical cooperation has dropped to 10%. Yerevan has found other partners and started cooperating with the EU and France.


This was stated by the Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia, RBC-Ukraine reports citing Novosti Armenia.

"The requirement to diversify Armenia's foreign security policy has arisen quite objectively. How did this happen? First of all, when we tried to buy weapons from Russia in 2021, we signed bilateral agreements," Grigoryan recalled.

According to him, a concept of comprehensive army reforms was also developed to implement them together with Russia.

However, as he noted, instead of these reforms, in May 2021, Armenia was attacked by Azerbaijan, and Russia did not supply them with the necessary and paid-for weapons. We are talking about contracts worth $250 million.

"And Armenia has started looking for new partners, including India, recently France, and some EU countries," Grigoryan said.

According to him, until 2021, Armenia carried out 96% of its military-technical cooperation with Russia, and since January 2021, Armenia has signed agreements with several countries worth billions of dollars.

"And in these agreements, Russia's share is now less than 10%. And this happened for objective reasons - it was Russia's choice and we were faced with the fact," Grigoryan said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 02/03/2024

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