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Zelensky called on to expel Russia from the OSCE

Nov 24, 2022

Russia must be excluded from the OSCE in order to isolate the aggressor as much as possible and find a way out of global crises.

This was stated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his speech within a meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

The head of state said that many international organizations are trying to help stop the war in Ukraine. However, Russia is still a member of most of them, including the OSCE.

"I urge you to do your best to make sure that the OSCE is among those who can really stop the terror and help bring Russian killers to justice. If you can act effectively at the level of your national parliaments, you need parliamentary assemblies to be able to act as well, and not just at the level of verbal condemnation. I call for extending integrity to the procedural architecture of the assembly and to the OSCE as a whole. The time has come for this reform," Zelensky said.

At the same time, the president called the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine "a test for any international organization".

"Russia does not read peace letters or listen to statements about the Helsinki principles. Russia does not believe that having any council in Europe is a value. Russia does not respect the Red Cross and will not listen to the mere fact that any organization has been operating for more than a hundred years," the President added.

As a reminder, yesterday the European Parliament approved a resolution recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 24/11/2022

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