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Zelensky to meet with representatives of the Polish opposition

Apr 5, 2023

Polish President Andrzej Duda said that during a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday, the leaders also discussed historical topics that have caused heated disputes in the past.

Duda said this at a joint press conference with Zelenskyy in Warsaw, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.

According to the Polish leader, the presidents talked about everything that is important to us, including the past.

"Regarding this past, including its complex elements that we discuss with each other, including the memory that we will perpetuate by paying tribute to all those who died, we will be able to build brotherhood between our nations in the future. Therefore, there is no taboo between us," the Polish President said.

As he added, the meeting discussed important historical issues that are often still a wound in many families today.

"I am convinced that the President and I will pursue a calm, consistent, good policy of building ties between our peoples here, including the policy of memory. Honest, reliable memory," Duda said.

He expressed hope that through this dramatic situation in which Ukraine finds itself, and as ties between the two nations become closer, the two countries will be able to build a great future.

Author - Olena Madiak, 05/04/2023

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