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EU could not decide how to spend €1 billion on munitions for Ukraine

Apr 6, 2023

Ambassadors of the European Union at a meeting on Wednesday, April 5, could not agree on a plan for the purchase of ammunition for Ukraine.

This was reported by Politico.


According to the newspaper, the ambassadors could not agree with whom the contracts for the production of ammunition would be signed. Some of them proposed that it should only be EU companies, while others proposed that the contracts should be signed by foreign manufacturers as well.

France, Greece and Cyprus tentatively support the first option, they don't want the funds to end up in Turkey.

In addition, the ambassadors could not agree on the issue of transferring ammunition from their own depots to Ukraine. A relevant legal document is expected to be published next week.

Earlier, it was reported that the defense and foreign ministers of the EU had agreed on a plan for the joint purchase of ammunition. It envisages the provision of 1 million shells to Ukraine over the next 12 months.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 06/04/2022

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