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Latvian army starts digging anti-tank ditches on the border with RF

May 4, 2024

The strengthening of Latvia's eastern border and the implementation of the anti-mobility plan are part of the overall Baltic line of fortifications. Along the border with Russia and Belarus, the military will create a chain of strongholds - defensive fortifications, various obstacles, and ammunition depots.


The state will spend 303 million euros over five years to create the line, reports the Latvian Radio's Latgale studio.

The first defense line is being created at a distance of about a kilometer from the border with Russia, near the Terekhovo border crossing in Ludens region. One of the elements is an anti-tank ditch. This ditch has set parameters, and it has the appropriate depth to fulfill its purpose.

The anti-mobility plan is to create a chain of obstacles by humans and use natural obstacles - rivers, swamps, forests. Minefields will be a measure in case of war. So far, we are talking about obstacles without the use of explosives.

Ammunition storage sites still need to be determined in accordance with regulations and military necessity.

The Latvian-Russian border is 283.6 kilometers long. Back in 2015, construction of a fence along it began, but in 2019, the work stopped because a criminal case was opened under the article on fraud on a large scale against the Igate company that built the facility.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 04/05/2024

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