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Ukraine establishes a military logistics center abroad

Feb 21, 2024

A Ukrainian Logistics Hub will be established outside the country. This will allow regulating of the activities of Ukrainian personnel at the international hub.

This is reported with reference to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.


According to the Ministry, the Government has adopted a resolution that will help regulate the issue of international military assistance. In particular, it is about synchronizing processes in the provision of military assistance, accounting, monitoring and control, and supply logistics.

"This resolution allowed the launch of the Ukrainian Logistics Center outside the country. In fact, this is a Ukrainian unit at the international hub that connects the logistics network of partners with the Ukrainian one," said Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stanislav Haider.

The center will include representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other government agencies. Their actions will help to establish coordination in the reception and transportation of goods, as well as coordinate the movement of Ukrainian military personnel for training abroad.

"Prior to that, the activities of Ukrainian personnel at the international Partners Hub were not regulated in any way. This caused a number of financial, administrative, and organizational difficulties," said Haider.

This means that from now on, the General Staff will distribute international assistance to the Security Forces upon arrival in Ukraine. The logistics units of the Defense Forces will be responsible for transportation to the units.

"One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Defense is to monitor the use of international military assistance in the Security and Defense Forces. This resolution will allow us to synchronize the data on the aid received at the state level. Previously, the National Guard, the Border Guard Service, and the National Police kept internal records, but now the Defense Ministry will summarize this in a single report," he explained.

Earlier it was reported that NATO decided to open a joint training center in Bydgoszcz, Poland, where the Ukrainian military will study and train together with the Alliance.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 21/02/2024

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