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Iohannis names conditions for the transfer of Patriot to Ukraine

May 22, 2024

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said that the possible provision of the Romanian Patriot system to Ukraine should be decided by the Supreme National Defense Council, but it should not lead to a weakening of the country's air defense.

Iohannis' words were quoted by Digi24.

The Romanian president noted that he did not want to discuss the issue of the possible transfer of the Patriot system to Ukraine “in public space” and would prefer that this be resolved with military experts and the Supreme National Defense Council, an advisory body to the head of state.


Iohannis also emphasized that the transfer of Patriot is a complicated process that involves a number of logistical and legal issues, “not to mention that I do not agree under any circumstances that Romania should be left without missile and air defense.”

“So, if Romania ends up giving up something, it has to get something else. Otherwise, nothing will be done,” the Romanian president added, pointing out that there is ‘no time horizon’ for this decision.

Author - Olena Madiak, 22/05/2024

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