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Peace Summit in Switzerland to be guarded by up to 4,000 troops

May 22, 2024

On May 22, the Swiss Federal Council issued an order on enhanced security measures during the peace conference on Ukraine (Peace Summit) in the resort of Burgenstock on June 15-16.

This is stated in the Council's message.

To ensure security at the summit, Switzerland will be able to deploy up to four thousand military personnel to assist the authorities of the canton of Nidwalden, where Burgenstock is located.


Such a large number of troops is due to the terrain in the Burgenstock area and the scale of the operation, as well as the large number of high-ranking guests, the Swiss Federal Council explained.

According to Swiss law, the deployment of more than two thousand troops must be approved by parliament. But since it will not have time to make a decision before the summit, the Federal Council will submit a report to lawmakers in the fall.

Author - Olena Madiak, 22/05/2024

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