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Slovakia has a new president. Fico's associate takes oath of office

Jun 15, 2024

Slovakia inaugurated President Peter Pellegrini. He replaced Zuzana Chaputova, who held a pro-Ukrainian position.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Aktuality.

"But today I am addressing all citizens of the Slovak Republic. Even those who voted for someone else. I am talking to them with the hope that my work as president will one day also be worthy of their respect. And I also address those who did not vote at all, because they are also full members of Slovak society and participate in its formation," Pellegrini said in his inaugural speech.

In his speech, Pellegrini made an ambiguous reference to the war in Ukraine, in particular, to the Ukrainian refugees who were accepted by Slovakia.

"Right on the streets, we meet the frightened faces of refugees from Ukraine, many of whom were trying to save their lives. In the spirit of our traditional hospitality, we offered them dinner, shelter and a helping hand. But their frightened look, full of despair and endless tragedy, destroyed our confidence that we would only know about the war from the stories of our grandfathers," he said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 16/06/2024

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