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Sweden has strengthened the defense of a Gotland island

May 22, 2024

Sweden has strengthened the defense of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea due to the threat from Russia. This was stated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces Mikael Büden, RND reports.

“Gotland is Swedish territory, so Sweden is obliged to defend it, and Gotland has the right to defend itself. There was a time when we reduced our military presence in Gotland to the point where only the volunteer internal defense forces remained there. These peaceful times are over,” he said.

Büden added that the war in Ukraine has changed the political situation in Europe, and Sweden had to seriously rearm Gotland.

“We are now guarding the island with the help of permanently deployed units and temporarily deploy additional forces if the threat situation increases. Whoever controls Gotland controls the Baltic Sea. At the moment, it is us,” he added.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces emphasized that Gotland is under the protection of the military and, if necessary, they can use the island for offensive operations.

“We are very interested in keeping the sea route open and controlling what is happening on the surface and under the surface. From Gotland, we can help other NATO countries in the Baltic Sea to live in security. But if Putin invades Gotland, he will be able to threaten NATO countries from the sea. This would be the end of peace and stability in the Nordic and Baltic regions,” he emphasized.

At the same time, he expressed confidence that Russian dictator Putin is looking at Gotland with both eyes.

“Putin's goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea. Perhaps he is also keeping an eye on the Åland archipelago. The Russians are closely monitoring what is happening at the entrances and exits of the Baltic Sea. For Putin as well as for us, it is important that the Baltic Sea remains open and safe,” he said.

Büden added that if Russia takes control of the Baltic Sea and closes it off, it will have a huge impact on Sweden and all other countries bordering the Baltic Sea.

“We must not allow this to happen. The Baltic Sea should not become Putin's playground, where he frightens NATO members,” the military emphasized.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/05/2024

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