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Switzerland will close the sky where the peace summit will take place

May 22, 2024

The Swiss government has decided to temporarily close the airspace over the resort of Burgenstock, where the Global Peace Summit will take place. The restrictions will be in effect from 08:00 on June 13 to 20:00 on June 17.

This is stated on the website of the Swiss government.


They noted that the country's Air Force will patrol the skies. An additional 4,000 troops will also be sent to the canton where Burgenstock is located to assist the local police.

The Swiss government noted that these measures should guarantee the security of the high-level international conference. According to international law, Switzerland is obliged to guarantee the safety of guests who need special protection.

The city's airspace will be restricted to visual flight rules (VFR), non-commercial instrument flight rules (IFR), and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Author - Ihor Lontkivskyi 22.05.24

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