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The UK calls on a number of European countries to join NATO

May 22, 2024

Some European countries that are not members of NATO enjoy the “umbrella of protection” from the military bloc. Therefore, they should join the Alliance.


This was stated by British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, RBC-Ukraine reports citing Politico.

The publication points out that Shapps did not directly name the countries but was referring to Ireland, Malta, Austria, and Switzerland, which have been neutral for many years.

The Defense Secretary made it clear that the UK will lobby for more countries to join NATO.

“I will push for NATO to bring into the organization all those who benefit from the Alliance's protection,” he said.

He explained that some European countries actually benefit from NATO's presence, they enjoy the benefits of freedom but cannot join the collective deterrence on the continent. At the same time, Shapps pointed to the threat posed by Russia.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/05/2024

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