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Ukraine and the EU have signed an agreement on the Ukraine Facility

May 22, 2024

Ukraine and the European Union (EU) have signed a Framework Agreement on financing under the Ukraine Facility.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Yulia Svyrydenko, who was quoted by the agency.

According to the Ministry of Economy, the agreement defines the mechanisms of financial cooperation between Kyiv and the bloc, including

  • management and control of funds under the Ukraine Facility;
  • joint measures to prevent corruption.

The next step is the ratification of the agreement by the Verkhovna Rada. After that, the document will come into force.

“For the most part, it (the agreement - ed.) reflects the procedures that will be aimed at the efficient, transparent, and accountable use of financial resources, which is a prerequisite for further European integration,” the minister explained.

It is noted that the agreement will provide for

Ukraine is ensuring the transparent use of funds provided by the EU. This includes regular reporting, compliance with the sanctions requirements of the bloc, and more;

close cooperation between public authorities and EU institutions, which will facilitate European integration.

“The national coordinator, namely the Ministry of Economy, will become the key body for interaction with the European Commission and will ensure effective management and monitoring of the use of funds provided by the European Union,” the agency adds.

There are a lot of agreements lately. Time, money, and effort is spent on them. And where is the result?

Ukraine needs weapons! Ukraine requires them right now. Not all these pieces of paper.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/05/2024

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