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We need Russia to get out of Ukraine, including Crimea

May 22, 2024

Julien Bayou, a member of the French National Assembly, said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.


He emphasized that Europe and France, in particular, need to clearly establish what existential threats the regime of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin may pose.

In addition, according to the French MP, the main goal now is to support Ukraine to win the war. Bayeux added that in recent months, the public space has been more focused on supporting Ukraine so that it does not lose, which has a different meaning.

"We need a global victory. We need a clean victory. We need Putin to stay out of business, and we need Russia to get out of Ukraine, including Crimea, obviously," Bayou said.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 22/05/2024

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