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US plan for Ukraine. Trump will push his deal regardless of the terms

Sep 12, 2024

Donald Trump, if he returns to the White House, will push for a deal between Ukraine and Russia. This can happen regardless of the conditions on which such an agreement will be based.

This is stated in the RBC-Ukraine article “Autumn of Presidents. Three Challenges for Ukraine and Zelenskyy amid the US Elections”.


It is not known for certain what Trump's so-called plan for Ukraine includes. As reported in the US media, Trump's plan actually involved blackmailing both Ukraine and Russia - if Ukraine refuses to come to the negotiating table, arms aid will be cut. If Russia refused to negotiate, Ukraine would receive more weapons.

Uriel Epstein, executive director of the US nonprofit organization Renew Democracy Initiative, told RBC-Ukraine that Trump's priority will be to promote the agreement between Ukraine and Russia.

“As for Trump, who knows what exactly is in his plan? What we do know is that Trump has been very eager to meet Russia in the past, and his priority will be to push through a deal that he can put his name on, regardless of the terms. This does not bode well for Ukraine,” he said.

During the recent debate, the Republican dodged the question of whether Ukraine had won the war, saying only that he wanted the war to end. Trump also said that he would call the leaders of Ukraine and Russia, and after that, he said, the war would end.

Recently, Trump also voiced new ideas related to this topic. According to him, the Republican plans to reduce world oil prices to $40 per barrel by the end of the year and thereby reduce Russia's budget revenues.

The reality of these plans is questionable, if only because such a move would hit the US allies in the Middle East. Therefore, in practice, Trump will have to make adjustments in any case.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 12/09/2024

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