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Zelensky on EU accession: our goal is to start negotiations by June

Feb 23, 2024

Ukraine's goal is to start negotiations on joining the European Union by June 2024.

This is reported with reference to the evening address of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

"I spoke today with President of the European Council Charles Michel. A very specific conversation, as much as possible about our common interests, all Europeans," Zelensky said.

According to the president, he and Michel discussed efforts for European integration and the need for the negotiation framework for Ukraine to be approved by EU member states as soon as possible.

"The goal is absolutely rational - we can start the negotiation process in the first half of the year, even by June. And this will be the best signal to all those who do not believe in Europe that our unity is really getting stronger," the Head of State noted.

As a reminder, in December, the leaders of the EU member states approved the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the bloc during the summit. This happened despite Hungary's threats to block the decision.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 23/02/2024

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