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Polish Foreign Minister proposes to place Crimea under UN mandate

Sep 20, 2024

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski's statement that Crimea could be placed under a UN mandate is unacceptable.

According to RBC-Ukraine, this was stated by the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov.


What happened before

Today, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said that Crimea plays a crucial role in the issue of possible peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. That is why one of the options to resolve the issue of the peninsula may be to place it under a UN mandate.

“Crimea is symbolically important for Russia, especially for (Russian dictator Vladimir - ed.) Putin, but it is strategically important for Ukraine. I do not see how peace can be achieved without demilitarization of Crimea,” he said.

Reaction of the Mejlis

“Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has publicly suggested that in order to end Russia's war against Ukraine, our country should give up Crimea. There is no other way to interpret the words of the Polish diplomat,” Chubarov said.

According to him, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people considers such statements unacceptable and cynical. After all, they do not meet the national interests of Ukraine, as well as the rights and interests of the indigenous Crimean Tatar people of Ukraine.

The Mejlis reminded that according to the national legislation of Ukraine and international law, only citizens of Ukraine and persons who have legally registered their permanent or temporary stay on Ukrainian territory, which is confirmed in accordance with the procedure established by Ukrainian legislation, are “legal residents” of Crimea. That is why other attempts to establish the legality of a person's residence in Ukrainian Crimea are unnecessary and inappropriate.

“Crimea is a temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, and the first step to establishing peace should be the withdrawal of Russian occupation troops from the peninsula,” the statement said.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 20/09/2024

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