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The more weapons Ukraine has, the more likely it is to end the war

Sep 20, 2024

The likelihood of peace between Ukraine and Russia directly depends on an increase in the supply of weapons to Ukrainian defenders. This will make Russian dictator Vladimir Putin realise that he will not get what he wants by force.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's farewell speech before his resignation.


Stoltenberg noted that military power is a prerequisite for dialogue, as it only works when backed by strong defence.

According to the Secretary General, the fastest way to end the war in Ukraine is to lose it. But in this case, there will be occupation, not peace. In turn, Putin believes that he will achieve his goal in the war and ‘wait out’ the West. That is why he continues to wage war.

‘I do not believe that we can change Putin's mind. But I do believe that we can change his calculations. By providing Ukraine with more weapons, we can make Putin realise that he cannot get what he wants by force... The paradox is that the more weapons we can supply to Ukraine, the more likely it is that we will be able to achieve peace and end the war,’ the Secretary General stressed.

He clarified that the more reliable NATO's long-term support for Ukraine is, the sooner the war can end.

Stoltenberg also added that any future peace agreement must be backed by strong military support for Ukraine and credible security guarantees to ensure a lasting peace.

‘Without a stable Ukraine, there can be no stable security in Europe. And without NATO membership, there will be no lasting security for Ukraine. NATO's doors are open. Ukraine will join (the Alliance - ed.),’ he concluded.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 20/09/2024

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