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Putin decides not to go to Mexico for presidential inauguration

Sep 21, 2024

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will not fly to Mexico, a signatory to the Rome Statute, for the inauguration of President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, and Ukraine has asked that the Kremlin leader be arrested if he comes to the country.

Source: Director of the Latin American Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Shchetinin in an interview with RTVI.

Shchetinin's direct speech: ‘We have received such an invitation (to the inauguration of the Mexican president - ed.), we are grateful to the Mexican side for this.’

According to him, Putin has appointed a representative to represent Russia at the events.

Shchetinin did not explain the reasons for Putin's refusal, but added that ‘Moscow is allegedly acting in accordance with the existing protocol practice and the obligations of the Russian leader.’

Author - Olena Madiak, 21/09/2024

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