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UK Ministry of Defense provided details of attack on Houthis in Yemen

Jan 12, 2024

British troops used four fighter jets to launch guided bombs against the Houthis. They were also supported by a refueling plane.

This is reported with reference to the press service of the British Ministry of Defense.

"Coalition forces identified key facilities involved in these attacks, and agreed to conduct a carefully coordinated strike to reduce the Houthis’ capability to violate international law in this manner," the defense ministry said.

The strike reportedly involved four British Air Force Typhoon FGR4 aircraft supported by a Voyager refueling tanker. The planes are known to have used Paveway IV guided bombs to deliver precision strikes on two Houthi targets. One of them was a site in Bana in northwestern Yemen, which was used to launch reconnaissance and attack drones.

"The other location struck by our aircraft was the airfield at Abbs. Intelligence has shown that it has been used to launch both cruise missiles and drones over the Red Sea. Several key targets at the airfield were identified and prosecuted by our aircraft," the British Ministry of Defense said.

It is noted that when planning the strikes, special attention was paid to minimizing any risks to the civilian population. The detailed results of the strikes are being assessed, but early indications are that the Houthis' ability to threaten merchant shipping has been undermined.

Last night, on January 12, the United States and Britain, with the support of their allies, conducted a series of air strikes on Houthi bases in Yemen. It is reported that the precision strikes destroyed storage and launch sites for drones and missiles, as well as radars in four cities of the country.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 12/01/2024

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