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3 Russian Kalibr missile carriers spotted in the Black and Azov Seas

Jun 28, 2024

As of the morning of June 28, 10 Russian ships were spotted in the Black and Azov Seas, 3 of which are Kalibr cruise missile carriers.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Telegram of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU Navy).


According to the military, as of 06:00, two enemy missiles were spotted:

  • 2 enemy ships in the Black Sea, 1 of which is a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles;
  • 8 enemy ships in the Sea of Azov, 2 of which are carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total volley of up to 16 missiles.

In addition, 2 enemy ships were spotted in the Mediterranean Sea. Both are carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total volley of up to 24 missiles.

The Ukrainian Navy also added that during the day, the Kerch Strait was passed in Russia's interests:

  • 6 vessels sailed to the Black Sea, of which 4 continued to the Bosphorus;
  • 9 vessels sailed to the Azov Sea, of which 6 were heading from the Bosphorus.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 28/06/2024

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