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Finland has already trained thousands of Ukrainian soldiers

Jun 27, 2024

Finnish instructors have trained thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in their country and abroad.


According to Ukrinform, this was reported by Yle with reference to the head of the Finnish Ministry of Defense, Antti Häkkinen.

Dozens of instructors from Finland took part in training missions abroad under the leadership of the EU and Britain, as well as in Finland itself, the minister said. In particular, 50 trainers participated in the EUMAM mission and 20 in the British-led Interflex operation.

Häkkänen added that most of the instructors were career military personnel of the Finnish Armed Forces, but there were also reservists who instructed Ukrainians on a contract basis.

"The training program of the Armed Forces of Ukraine included basic training, special forces training, medical training, leadership training, as well as infantry and anti-tank training. As Ukraine mobilizes more frequently, the West will also increasingly take care of the training of their military," Häkkinen said.

According to him, assistance will be provided as long as it is needed.

"Defense assistance to Ukraine will continue and will be strengthened. Training assistance will also continue and be strengthened," the minister said, adding that the training of Ukrainians was faster and more efficient compared to the Finnish model of training conscripts.

Finland has not set any limits on the number of Ukrainian soldiers it intends to train. The training is financed from the defense budget, and its total cost, according to Häkkinen, will be about 17–18 million euros.

According to the minister, the training of the Ukrainian military will play an increasingly important role in Finland's support for Ukraine.

"The weapon systems and personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are constantly growing, and they will become the most competent and qualified defense forces in Europe," the Finnish minister said.

Häkkänen emphasized that the main message remains that Finland is not sending or planning to send Finnish soldiers or instructors to Ukraine.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 27/06/2024

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