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Ukraine is forming teams to develop action plans under the Peace Formula

Jun 27, 2024

Ukraine is forming teams and groups that will develop action plans under the Peace Formula.

This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an address to representatives of the Organization of American States.


According to him, real steps are needed - everything that can bring a just and lasting peace for Ukrainians, and thus reliable stability for everyone in the world.

"And this should be done in a truly honest manner - not behind the scenes. Peace with an aggressor like Moscow cannot be a subject of bargaining. Like any other criminal, the Kremlin will want more. But even Russia can be forced to peace and recognition of all the principles and purposes of the UN Charter," Zelenskyy said.

He thanked for the support of Ukraine's efforts and invited to work together so that the second Global Peace Summit could determine the way in which a just peace will defeat a brutal war.

"Thank you for your response despite the huge distance that separates us. However, this distance is purely geographical, it has nothing to do with values. We all honor peace equally!" Zelensky emphasized.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 27/06/2024

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