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Slovak President to meet with Zelenskyy for the first time in Brussels

Jun 27, 2024

Slovakia's new president, Peter Pellegrini, said he would hold his first bilateral meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in Brussels on Thursday during the EU leaders' summit on June 27-28.

According to Yevropeiska Pravda, Pravda.sk reports.


According to him, on Thursday he will have the first bilateral meeting with the President of Ukraine, "who will be here" in Brussels.

"We have planned, although I don't know yet whether it will take place, another personal bilateral meeting between us also in Washington at the NATO summit in July. These will be two meetings that will precede my official visit to Ukraine," Pellegrini said.

He noted that he is looking forward to this meeting because he wants to tell his colleague "about everything that is perhaps less publicized in Slovakia, but is being done and decided in connection with supporting Ukraine."

"Yes, there is sometimes a paradox in Slovakia that maybe rhetoric or political tactics are one thing, but I always tell our allies that they should judge Slovakia based on reality, not on a newspaper article or a headline or one strong sentence," Pellegrini explained.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 27/06/2024

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