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Explosions were heard in Khmelnytsky region

Jun 27, 2024

On the night of June 27, explosions were heard in the Khmelnytsky region during an air raid alert declared due to a combined attack by Russian invaders.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Suspilne Khmelnytskyi.


The sounds of explosions were heard in the region around 02:40.

Before that, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informed about the fixation of the movement of a cruise missile of the "Kalibr" type towards the Khmelnytsky region.

In addition, the military reported about Shahed-type kamikaze drones that were spotted in the region while moving to the west of the country.

We would like to add that Khmelnytsky publics speculate that the sounds of explosions may be related to the work of air defense forces and means.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 27/06/2024

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