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The head of the EC speaks about Serbia's rapprochement with the EU

Jun 26, 2024

Serbia is on the way to a strong economic rapprochement with the European Union.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Twitter (X) of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.


Michel emphasized that the future of Serbia and the Western Balkans lies in the European Union.

"The Growth Plan provides a real opportunity for a strong economic rapprochement between Serbia and the EU. We need to use the potential of gradual integration to bring practical benefits to people," the head of the European Council said.

Earlier, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Ukraine could join the European Union at the same time as the Western Balkan countries, including Serbia, despite the fact that they started the accession process earlier.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 27/06/2024

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