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PACE supports tougher sanctions against Russian gas and metallurgy

Jun 27, 2024

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing a member of the Ukrainian delegation, Oleksiy Honcharenko, on Telegram.


The resolution notes that 15% of the European market is still made up of Russian LNG. In total, in 2023, the aggressor country earned $99 billion from gas supplies.

"Particular attention should be paid to Russian steel slabs, pig iron and iron ore products," the adopted document says.

It is also noted that Russian semi-finished steel products from Russia are destroying the European market because they are supplied there at dumping prices - 450 euros per ton instead of 600 euros per ton.

"This is one of the main sectors of the Russian economy, which is estimated to account for 3% of the country's GDP, or about $60 billion a year. This leads to dumping, delaying the green transition and stimulating the economy of the Russian Federation, which finances the war of aggression against Ukraine," the PACE decision states.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 27/06/2024

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