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Trump: Putin's terms on Ukraine are unacceptable

Jun 28, 2024

Former U.S. President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump has called Putin's "peaceful" proposal for Ukraine unacceptable to the United States.

He said this at a debate with US President Joe Biden, RBC-Ukraine reports citing a broadcast by Suspilne Novyny.

"No, they are unacceptable. But this war shouldn't have started," Trump said when asked by the debate host whether the conditions put forward by Vladimir Putin after the end of the war in Ukraine were acceptable to him.

However, he did not specifically answer whether he would agree to Russia keeping the occupied parts of Ukraine if it would end the war.

Trump assured that he would be able to end the war before he took office.

"I will make sure that the war is resolved between Putin and Zelensky," Trump said.

He also said that Putin would not have sent troops to Ukraine if America had been led by a politician whom the Russian president respected.

"As far as Russia and Ukraine are concerned, if we had a real president, a president that Putin respected, he would never have invaded Ukraine," the US presidential candidate said.

In addition, Trump repeated his previous statements that Europe spends much less on supporting Ukraine than the United States. However, he did not say whether he would oppose Ukraine's accession to NATO.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 28/06/2024

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