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The enemy dropped 20 mines on Sumy region's community in one day

Jun 28, 2024

Over the past day, Russians fired 32 times at Sumy region, dropping 20 mines on one of the communities.

Source: military administration of Sumy region


102 explosions were recorded. Mykolaiv, Khotyn, Yunakiv, Miropil, Bilopil, Krasnopil, Velykopysariv, Esman, Seredina-Buda and Znob-Novgorod communities were shelled.

The enemy fired at Myropilska community with artillery, 5 explosions.

Russians dropped 20 mines on the Velykopysarivska community. There was also artillery fire, 7 explosions.

The Krasnopilska community was shelled with FPV drones and artillery fire, 30 explosions.

In the Yunakivska community, shelling with the use of an FPV drone and mortar shelling were recorded, 9 explosions.

The enemy attacked the Esman community with mortars and artillery, 10 explosions.

The Seredina-Buda community was attacked with FPV drones, mortars, and artillery fire, also 10 explosions.

Mortar shelling and 2 explosions were recorded in the Znob-Novgorod community.

There were 4 rocket launches and 4 explosions in Khotyn community.

The enemy dropped an explosive device from a UAV on the Bilopil community, 1 explosion.

The Russians shelled Mykolaiv community with artillery, 3 explosions.

A kamikaze drone attack was also recorded on the territory of Okhtyrka district, 1 explosion.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 28/06/2024

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