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Expert on the possible sending of DPRK troops to Ukraine

Jun 28, 2024

The decision to send troops to Ukraine to help the Russian invaders could end very sadly for North Korea.


This was stated by military expert Pavlo Narozhny in a commentary for RBC-Ukraine.

According to him, if the Russians involve North Koreans in the fighting in Ukraine, it will be impossible to hide it. It is likely that some DPRK citizens will be captured or captured on video on the Internet.

Narodnyi also commented on media reports about the possible deployment of DPRK construction and engineering forces to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

According to him, if the Ukrainian forces theoretically hit the railroad tracks and affect North Korean citizens, the regime of dictator Kim Jong-un may fantasize that this is a "declaration of war" and send combat units.

Such a move, Narodny emphasized, would end badly for North Korea. One of the reasons is that the DPRK has a small army.

"That is, they have enough problems of their own. They can theoretically send a significant number of soldiers, tens or hundreds of thousands, because they have these soldiers. Because North Korea, like any dictatorship, is preparing for war, but the question is whether they are ready to take this step. If they send some combat-ready units, then South Korea will know that the DPRK has 20 or 50 thousand soldiers there," the expert added.

In his opinion, such a decision by North Korea is unlikely.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 28/06/2024

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