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For the first time, Russian invaders used FAB-500 to strike Kharkiv

Jun 27, 2024

For the first time since the launch of the Kharkiv bombing, the Russian army used a FAB-500 with a planning and correction module. This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, Oleksandr Filchakov.


It is known that the projectile was launched from a Su-34 aircraft in Belgorod Oblast, with a distance of 65 kilometers from the launch site to the impact site.

"It is twice as powerful as the KAB- and FAB-250 used earlier, which are used to bombard Kharkiv every day," Filchakov said.

As a result of Russian aggression, three private houses, a higher education institution, and the State Emergency Service were damaged. Five people were injured.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 28/06/2024

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