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DPRK successfully tests missiles capable of carrying multiple warheads

Jun 26, 2024

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) has successfully conducted an important test aimed at developing missiles that simultaneously carry multiple warheads.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Reuters.

The test was conducted on Wednesday, June 26, using a first-stage engine that is equipped with a medium- and long-range solid-fuel ballistic missile.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that the missile successfully separated the warheads, which were precisely aimed at three specified targets.

"The goal was to ensure that individual targets could be destroyed with multiple warheads," the report said.

It is possible that these tests are related to the recent visit of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to Pyongyang. In this way, the DPRK is demonstrating its strength and possible readiness to provide the Kremlin with weapons for a war against Ukraine.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 27/06/2024

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