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Zelenskyy will visit Warsaw to meet with Donald Tusk

Jun 27, 2024

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will visit Warsaw to meet with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in early July. The Polish prime minister wrote about this on his social network X.


It is known that the leaders will discuss Ukraine's defense and its path to EU and NATO membership. The July NATO summit will be held in Washington on July 9–11.

"The EU has realized what the Poles have known since the beginning of this war: the defense of Ukraine is the defense of Europe. We agreed to talk with President Zelenskyy in Warsaw before the NATO summit," Tusk said.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian president met with the Polish prime minister in Brussels before the European Council summit.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 28/06/2024

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