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US intelligence predicts a war between Israel and Hezbollah

Jun 28, 2024

US intelligence believes a full-scale confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah is likely to erupt in the next few weeks unless Jerusalem and Hamas reach a cease-fire agreement in the Gaza Strip.


This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Politico.

US officials are not confident that Israel and Hamas will soon agree to a deal proposed by US President Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, the Israel Defense Forces and Hezbollah have drawn up battle plans and are trying to acquire additional weapons, two senior U.S. officials briefed on the intelligence told the paper.

Both sides have said publicly that they do not want war, but American officials increasingly believe in the beginning of intense fighting.

The risk is higher now than at any time in recent weeks, another senior US official said.

US intelligence offers a slightly more conservative estimate than intelligence from parts of Europe. They believe that a war between Israel and Hezbollah could happen in a few days. Many advised their citizens to leave Lebanon. Canada is also preparing to evacuate thousands of people from the country. The State Department on Thursday issued a travel advisory for US citizens, urging them to "strongly reconsider" travel to Lebanon.

The two senior officials stressed that it was not yet clear exactly when war might begin but noted that Israel was trying to quickly rebuild its stockpiles and military capabilities.

U.S. officials told Politico, citing intelligence, that a catalyst for war — such as a major attack from either side — would likely happen without warning.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 28/06/2024

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