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Ukraine opens an honorary consulate in Liechtenstein

Jun 27, 2024

On Thursday, June 27, Ukraine opened an honorary consulate in Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein. The office is headed by David Carl Jandrasits, who was appointed in April.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The opening of the honorary consulate was attended by Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Yevhen Perebyinis and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education, and Sports of Liechtenstein Dominik Hasler.

"Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Deputy Minister congratulated Honorary Consul David Carl Jandrassits on joining the diplomatic team of Ukraine and called for active work to bring Ukraine's victory closer," the statement said.

Dominique Gasler emphasized that Ukraine and Liechtenstein share common values and views. Therefore, she said, the opening of the Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in the Principality is a historically significant event and a symbolic step to strengthen cooperation between the countries.

The officials held a separate meeting, during which the Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine expressed gratitude to Liechtenstein for supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.

In addition, the parties discussed "prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation in areas of mutual interest, as well as interaction within international organizations."

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 28/06/2024

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