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Biden does not want Stoltenberg to resign as NATO Secretary General

Jun 16, 2023

According to Norwegian media, U.S. President Joe Biden allegedly personally persuaded Jens Stoltenberg to stay on as NATO Secretary General during his last trip to Washington.

This was reported by DN, citing its sources.

The media has previously reported that NATO allies are inclined to extend the term of office of current Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg due to difficulties in electing a successor.


According to DN, in February, Biden directly asked Stoltenberg to stay on for another year. He then replied that he wanted to resign and return home.

Sources claim that when Stoltenberg was at the White House this week, Biden made it clear in a conversation that he was strongly opposed to his resignation.

Formally, Jens Stoltenberg has not yet been asked to stay on, but, according to DN sources, this may happen soon.

The main arguments for not changing the top official of the Alliance now are the ongoing war in Ukraine and Sweden's incomplete accession to NATO.

If Stoltenberg does give in under pressure, he will be in his 10th year in office by the 2024 summit in Washington.

Author - Olena Madiak, 16/06/2023

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