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Queues have formed on the border in Estonia towards Russia

Jun 26, 2024

In the past few days, long car queues towards Russia have been observed at two checkpoints on the Estonian border with Russia.

This is reported by ERR.

Over the past few days, long queues towards Russia have formed at the Luhamaa and Koidula border crossing points.


The head of the Estonian customs office in Luhamaa, Toomas Huik, noted that the problem is on the Russian side. According to him, the Estonian side can pass about 150 trucks in both directions through the two checkpoints in 24 hours, taking into account sanctions compliance checks. During this period, the Russians let about 40 trucks and about the same number of cars through.

As of 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 495 trucks and 73 cars were waiting in line at Luhamaa and almost 300 trucks at Koiduli.

"These are big numbers, and the vehicles have to wait for quite a long time - about five days... At the moment, the number of border crossings determines the pace of work of the Russian side. I don't know why they are working so slowly," the official said.

Author - Olena Madiak, 26/06/2024

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