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Who wins the first round of parliamentary elections in France

Jun 30, 2024

In France, voting in the first round of parliamentary elections ended on June 30. According to exit polls, the far-right National Rally Party won the first round.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Le Figro and BFM TV.

Another round of elections awaits France. And since the majority system is in place there, the situation may change in the second round.

Thus, according to the Ifop exit poll, the National Rally Party, whose formal leader is the pro-Russian Marine Le Pen, is gaining the support of 34.2% of voters. The far-left Popular Front is in second place with 29.1% of the vote. But President Emmanuel Macron's political party is in third place with 21.5% of the vote.

However, the exit poll conducted by Elabe for BFMTV, RMC, and La Tribune gives the National Rally a little less - 33% of the vote. "The Popular Front could get 28.5% of the vote, and Macron's coalition could get 22%.

The turnout in the first round of the French parliamentary elections was the highest in the 21st century and is tentatively estimated at 69.7%.

If the National Rally maintains this level of support in the second round of voting, it will be able to win a majority in the French parliament.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 01/07/2024

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