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"Bridge to NATO": White House makes statement on Ukraine's membership

Jun 26, 2024

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has explained what the allies mean when they talk about creating a "bridge to NATO" for Ukraine.

The document, which will be released at the NATO summit in Washington, will provide Ukraine with an "institutional bridge to NATO membership," said Michael Carpenter, director of European Affairs at the White House National Security Council, Voice of America reports.

In terms of threat perception, the allies are in a fairly good position with regard to Ukraine. But there are still some different opinions about what membership might look like and when. "The 'bridge to NATO' is needed so that Ukraine can join the Alliance on the same day that there is political will to do so," he said.

Some people don't like it, but personally, Carpenter likes the metaphor of a "bridge to NATO."

"Because this is exactly what we are trying to achieve on the way to future membership. If we receive an invitation in the future, Ukraine will be ready, able and able to join the Alliance instantly," the official said.

The White House official also reminded that Kyiv should carry out additional reforms and measures to achieve interoperability with NATO.

"We're talking about training, logistics development, building defense institutions, supporting mobilization, training civilians to join the army, rotating the military, providing benefits for veterans, medical support, etc. Now Ukraine does not have this. That's why we have to help them. NATO will do it," Carpenter promised.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 26/06/2024

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