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CNN: US may authorize sending military contractors to Ukraine

Jun 25, 2024

Joe Biden's administration is moving closer to lifting the de facto ban on the deployment of U.S. military contractors to Ukraine to help the Ukrainian military maintain and repair U.S.-supplied weapons systems.

This was reported by CNN, citing four informed American officials.

The United States withdrew all of its instructors from Ukraine before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and has categorically ruled out a military presence on Ukrainian territory since then.

As a result, U.S.-provided military equipment that has been heavily damaged in the fighting has to be taken out of the country to Poland, Romania, or other NATO countries for repair, a process that takes a long time.


According to CNN sources, over the past few months, the Biden administration has been re-examining restrictions on contractors in Ukraine in light of the continued advance of Russian troops and the delay in military aid.

They emphasized that the decision is currently being discussed and has not received final approval from the US president.

However, if approved, the Pentagon will be able to sign contracts for the deployment of American contractors in Ukraine to help repair equipment for the first time since 2022. For example, CNN reports that F-16 fighter jets are expected to require regular repairs after Ukraine starts using them.

Author - Olena Madiak, 25/06/2024

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